Map Kibera projects submissions to Apps4Africa

by: August 31st, 2010 comments: 0

Congrats to Ahmed Mohamed Maawy and Jamila Amin for submitting two awesome apps to Apps 4 Africa.

They both worked with Map Kibera to develop apps, driven by needs from the community.

Kenya Constituency Development Fund: Community Tracking and Mapping enables Kenyans to easily view all official and on-the-ground details on CDF funded projects in Kibera. KCODA (Kibera Community Development Agenda) monitors submit detailed reports on the real status of projects, and contrasts with officially reported government status,the amount allocated, the contractor involved, photographs, and geographic location.

Kibera Open Directory and Repository: An Accessible WhoWhatWhere for Kibera is an organization directory and report repository, seeded from existing offline directories of organizations and available reports, based on Crabgrass. Information is accessible by web; and by mobile phone, which are increasingly and inexpensively connected to the Internet in Kenya. There are literally hundreds of NGOs, CBOs, faith-based, and other even more exotic species of organizations, operating in Kibera, with budgets from pennies to millions, involved in all aspects of life. As with most informal settlements, Kibera is under-served by government and that gap is particularly filled by civil society organizations. These actors are not directly accountable to the community, and it is difficult to get the bigger picture and small details of their work. Newcomers wishing to start working in Kibera, or existing organizations looking to partner, reduce duplication of work, and collaborate, face a daunting task of finding the information they need. Reports and data collected in Kibera is plentiful, but hard to access, particularly from Kibera itself. Individuals from Kibera have repeatedly asked Map Kibera for a solution to this problem, leading to this App.

We’re excited to see all the submissions. Good luck to all!

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